“Marc Terenzi”
“Marc Terenzi” 28 x 24 cm mixed media on watercolorpaper (charcoal, softpastells, inktense and acrylic)
mixed media on watercolorpaper 24x28cm inspired by Annie Hamman (Let’s face it 2017 by Kara Bullock)
“black women”
“black women” mixed media (pencil, charcoal, acrylic in vandyck brown, cobalt blue, magenta, black and grey calks and brown softpastells) 30 x 21 cm on watercolorpaper
“Owl” mixed media auf Aquarellpapier, 24 x 18 cm
“Florian” mixed media auf Auarellpapier, 28 x 24 cm
Neue Interpretation meiner Giraffe. acrylic and ink, 24 x 28 cm Danke an Deb Weiers für´s Zeigen ihrer Technik.
“smile” acrylic and charcoal, 24 x 28 cm thanks to Jennifer Bonneteau for the great lesson
“Im Fluß”
“Im Fluß”, 115 x 75 cm, acryl on canvas
“Leichtigkeit”acryl on canvas, 114 x 75 cm
mixed media, Kohle, Kreide, Acryl, 24 x 28 cm